KezdőlapCímlapDöbbenetes: szexmodellnek állt a háromgyerekes lelkésznő

Döbbenetes: szexmodellnek állt a háromgyerekes lelkésznő

A háromgyermekes, 36 éves családanya azt mondja, még sosem volt olyan boldog, mint most.

Ilyen az, amikor valaki valóra váltja a gyermekkori álmát. A szigorú baptista családba született Nikole Mitchell ugyanis furcsa módon már tinilányként arról ábrándozott, hogy sztriptíztáncosnő lesz, de erre csak azután került sor, hogy szült három gyermeket, és lelkész lett egy kaliforniai evangelista gyülekezetben.

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What no one can take away from you is your ability to manifest. No matter what you've been through… No matter the odds before you… You CAN overcome. You CAN rise up. You CAN call in the desires of your heart. The real tragedy would be for you to be convinced that somehow you're powerless. YOU ARE NOT POWERLESS. You are motherfucking powerful!!! So powerful that you have the ability to create ANY reality you want. One where you're happy or sad. Rich or poor. Lonely or loved. Unstoppable or disempowered. The choice is yours. This is why Mastering the Art of Manifestation is so revolutionary. It gives you your power back. It brings you home to who you really are. And once that happens… you WILL become all you're meant to be. Your dreams start coming true. More money starts pouring in. Opportunities fall into your lap. Inspired ideas pop into your head. Humans go out of their way to help you. All of a sudden, everywhere you go, magic flows. THAT'S what is available to you TODAY. That's what this course will unlock for you. The content and teachings inside this course will become lifelong tools that will forever shape the course of your life. Want to levelup? Learn how to manifest. Want more money? Learn how to manifest. Want once-in-a-lifetime opportunities? Learn how to manifest. Anything and everything you want will come about when you know how to manifest. It's the answer you've been praying for and it's here in its fullness. Hit the link in my bio to join me inside Mastering the Art of Manifestation – where YOU will become all you're meant to be and you'll master the ability to call in everything you want with absolute certainty and ease. Enrollment closes tonight.❤️ Love you and SO thrilled to join you in this. Here's to YOU and your manifestation powers. 📸: @hannahsanfordart

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Élete azután vett éles kanyart, hogy rádöbbent biszexualitására, szakított az egyházzal, majd veszettül vetkőzni kezdett. Kiderült, hogy van is rá igény, ma már 95 ezer követője van az Instagramon, és több ezer OnlyFans-előfizető utal neki pénzt a napi szexadagért.


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3 more manifestation stories for you.🔥 1. We were at a fancy restaurant on the beach last night and when we were told it was a 90 minute wait, I looked to my friends and said,”We’ll manifest it faster than that.” 20 minutes later our table was ready.😎 /// 2. We went to a Louis Vuitton store and when we were told that the waiting list was packed and we wouldn’t be able to get in the store that day, I smiled and said, “Oh, we’re getting in. We’ll manifest it.” The employee smiled and said okay then and put our names on the waiting list. Less than an hour later, we were invited to shop at the store. Because of course.😏 /// 3. As you all know, Mastering the Art of Manifestation is open for enrollment. Even as people were signing up, there were still a few finishing touches I wanted done to the course but didn’t necessarily want to do them myself. (Pro tip: do what you do best, hire out the rest). Before I had a chance to even THINK about who to hire, I get a text message from an amazing soul sister asking if I had a need for a virtual assistant. And boom! She was hired! She completed 4 hours of work, got paid to do it, while I was able to spend the day in Santa Barbara with my friends who were in town visiting. A win-win happened for everyone! – I manifested a VA – My VA got paid (not to mention free access to a $600 course) – The finishing touches to my course got completed (my VA nailed it!) – I was able to spend uninterrupted time with my friends who were visiting. This is the beauty of manifestation. Whether it’s manifesting a shopping spot at the store or $50,000 months or being on the Jimmy Kimmel show or being on the front page of the newspaper (all actual results from my clients and myself), IT IS ALL POSSIBLE. – Ready to think a thought and have it come true? – Ready to feel a desire and watch it appear in its fullness? – Ready to live a life where you’re always getting what you want and as a result, helping others get what they want, too? Then this course is for you. Enrollment closes Friday! Link in bio! Love you! 📸: @colbyfiles

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