KezdőlapCímlapBrutális: orvosa nem vette észre a rákot, így most fogak nélkül kell...

Brutális: orvosa nem vette észre a rákot, így most fogak nélkül kell élnie az egykor szép nőnek

Elveszítette fogait a fiatal nő, akit korábban több orvos elküldött „egyszerű fájdalmai” miatt. Végül mégis kiderült: nagy a baj.

Szörnyű tortúrán esett át az a Nicole Kowalski, akit korábban fogorvosa visszautasított jelentéktelen panaszai miatt. A Los Angeles-i nő még 2017-ben hónapokig panaszkodott állkapocsfájdalomra, amivel kapcsolatban orvosai megnyugtatták: nincs oka aggodalomra.

Egy későbbi röntgenfelvételről azonban kiderült: Kowalski állkapcsában jóindulatú daganat volt. A 28 éves nőt azonnal megműtötték, amihez el kellett távolítani négy fogát. Ezután hat fájdalommentes hónap következett.

A fogorvosnál tett következő látogatásán a fiatal nővel közölték, hogy félrediagnosztizálták, és a korábban jóindulatúnak hitt tumor valójában nyálmirigyrák.– A családomban előfordul a rák, ezért tudtam, hogy az esélyem nekem is megvan rá, de sosem gondoltam, hogy hallani fogom majd azokat a szavakat. Amikor megtudtam, arra gondoltam, milyen fiatal vagyok, és mennyi mindent akartam még megtenni. Elképesztő magányt éreztem – számolt be érzéseiről Kowalski.

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UPDATE on my health. In August I had an MRI and CT scan. My MRI came back inconclusive. There was an area that lit up towards the front of my face. My doctor decided that a PET scan would be appropriate to find out more. Well, the PER scan came back inconclusive too.🌪The fear was incredible. The doctor and radiologist were concerned my cancer was back. They scheduled surgery to get a biopsy. I went in for surgery on the 13th of September. I had an appointment scheduled for a week later, but received a call that the results weren’t ready. The follow up to hear the results was rescheduled twice. I could barely hold myself together. I struggled to get my homework done and my sweet boyfriend dealt with crazy up and down mood swings.💔Having cancer again meant me having another surgery. Half a pallet dissection. More radiation. Terrified doesn’t being to describe the feeling. Yesterday, I sat in the doctor’s office with my beautiful mom and lovely boyfriend, Eric when my doctor announced that there is NO CANCER. No tumor detected.🙌🏼The relief I felt was indescribable. I felt this weight lift and suddenly my body became weak. I’m exhausted from the stress, but I can proudly say that I am still cancer free. I am beyond grateful for the support I’ve been given. Thank you to my mom and Eric for being there for the results. My dad and second mom, Mandi for coming out for my PET scan and my friends Chelsea, Sara, Kennedy, and so many more for keeping me level headed.🙏🏼My next scan is in December, but at least for now I can breathe. ❤️ #headandneckcancer #maxillofacialsurgery #maxillectomy #surgery #keckmedicalcenterofusc #heatedseats #staypostive #cancerfree #cancersurvivor #petscan #mri #salivaryglandcancer #gratefulheart #relief

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Sugárkezelése után a nő továbbra is érezte a meg nem szűnő fájdalmat, és ezen a ponton a teljes fogsora átrendeződött, eldeformálódott. Orvosa ekkor azt gondolta, Kowalski állkapocscsontja haldoklik, ezért újabb műtétnek vetette alá. Újabb hét fog került eltávolításra, ezt követően újabb sugárkezelés következett.

A fiatal nő pokoli története idén augusztusban ért véget: addigra minden vizsgálat arra utalt ugyanis, hogy Kowalski meggyógyult, legyőzte a rákot, ezzel pedig új, végleges fogsort kap.


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Hi Folks! I’m almost four weeks post-op and boy has it been a wild ride. The first couple of weeks with the packing in (see hospital photos) is always rough. 🦄 Getting the packing removed is stressful. The obturator is wired in my mouth and between my teeth. It’s quite uncomfortable for the doctor to undo those wires and get the prosthesis out. Once that’s out, the packing comes out and that just feels strange. The worst part this time was the removal of the stitches.🥴That did NOT feel good! There are several stitches still left inside that are dissolving slowly.🦄Next stop was the prosthodontist—which leads me to this post!🦄Quite frankly, it’s difficult to show this picture. I have a hard time looking at myself without my obturator in. It is a constant reminder of the things I have lost, what I’ve had to go through, and what I will have to go through.🦄Originally, the doctors claimed it was necrosis that was causing all of my pain and my teeth to shift—a side effect of radiation. I accepted that and made the decision to get a second surgery to improve my quality of life and remove the infection.🦄However, I received that dreaded news—they found cancer again. A recurrence. I cried so deeply, so hard that I could barely breathe. What does this leave for me? How? Why? All of these questions washed over me again and again.🦄My original diagnosis was a myoepithelial carcinoma or salivary gland cancer. They found the same cancer, which is actually a positive thing, but they found some spindle cells in their samples. This could point to a sarcoma.🦄If it’s just the same cancer, I can do a boost of radiation for about 5 days; but if they determine there’s something bigger at play, I made need chemotherapy.🦄Right now I’m waiting for answers. I’m setting up an appointment at a different cancer hospital for a second opinion. (It’s nothing against my doctors, but I want to make sure that multiple people are in agreement of the path we’re taking.)🦄In the meantime, I will continue my journey, navigating new territory with a temporary obturator, seeking help and comfort when I need it, finishing school on time, and staying positive even when it feels impossible.🦄

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